Purgatory Page 12
How she survived was a miracle, years of torture. She was stronger than me, that's for sure. I'd have damn lost my mind long by now.
A slight vibration came from my pocket. I pulled out my cell and frowned when seeing my dad's name light up. He's up early, I thought.
“Pop, you okay? Is mom okay?” I asked hurriedly.
He was breathless, his speech slurred. Oh, fuck, I wasn't going to like what he was to say.
“We're both fine, Jax, listen, I don't have much time, so I've just gotta spill this quick.”
“What do you mean you haven't got much time? Pop, you're scaring me.”
He groaned. “Jaxon, hush, alright? And listen very carefully.”
He told me about Kendra finding a package, told me how he'd gone to work, sent the guys out for runs, and told me how he knew the contents were going to be bad. There was no address on the front, he'd said, and after a bottle of whiskey, he'd finally found the courage to open the envelope up and see what was inside.
He shuddered audibly down the phone. “Luca was right, my boy, it seems Amy was having an affair.”
My blood ran cold as fucking ice, and I stiffened. “What the fuck, pop?”
“Three pictures of Amy with him.” He puffed.
"Pop, why are you breathing like that?"
“Jaxon, did you hear what I said?"
I shuddered. “Yeah, pop. But with who?” Amy. An affair. None of this made any fucking sense.
There was a long, deadly fucking pause before he spoke. “Vladimir, son.”
I almost dropped the phone, my legs almost gave way beneath me, and so I found one of many sun loungers and slumped down on to that. I felt sick as a fucking dog. Why, Amy?
“I'm sending pictures to you now, my boy,” he said, breathing almost calm now. “Just be prepared... They're a little explicit.”
“Does Carter know?” I asked, my mind whirring.
My Pop scoffed. “Don't be fucking stupid, boy, he's in no fit state to hear this. Let the man grieve; we don't need to add this to the mix.”
There was another silence before he spoke.
I couldn't find any words to say. I was dumbfounded, and that didn't happen a lot.
“There was another picture of a child. Just the back of her head, it's dark and grainy, so you can't tell much, but I have no fucking clue who it is or whose child it is. I'll send that, too, okay?”
“Okay,” my voice cracked, and then my phone buzzed against my cheek. “Got them.”
“On the back of the picture, there's a word, a name, 'Sarka.' does that mean anything to you?”
I shook my head. “No, pop.” I stood once more and paced around the pool, anger, confusion, grief, and a fuck ton of other emotions swirled inside me like a poisonous cocktail. I couldn't look at the pictures. Didn't want to see them. I tried to remember Amy as I knew her. Not as this bitch who fucked over my best friend.
“Pop, I gotta go, will call soon.” I hung up the phone just as footsteps approached me from behind.
I spun and saw Benny the Brit coming my way.
“Jax, boss man wants to see us both in half-hour, thought I'd best come and find you.”
I nodded by way of thanks.
“You okay, mate? Look like you're about to kick the bucket.”
Clearing my throat, I wiped the horror from my face. “Nah, I'm good, man. Thanks, though.”
He turned and went to walk away but then stopped to look at me again. “Nice work with the Mrs, by the way. Bloody hell, I thought she was a goner.” He lowered his voice, “this place is more fucked up than I thought.”
He left me alone and with one thought only: Ain't it just, Benny, ain't it fucking just.
Marnie was wearing that necklace again, her fingers absentmindedly twirling the chunky metal between her fingers.
It had been a long day. I'd woken long after Jax had left and found Marnie in his place, she looked lovely as usual. Chocolate colored hair hanging in soft waves around her face, big pink lips, and the most crystal blue eyes. She wasn't broken like me. Today, I'd found it challenging to keep the jealously at bay.
Tucking the angel-winged necklace into her blue summer dress, she smiled at me. “So, Jax, huh?
I rolled my eyes. “Marnie, don't.”
She grinned even more. “Girl, I don't blame you if you have a little crush; the man looks like a Greek god. And that Benny, when you're all better, just take a look at his arms,” she flexed her dainty ones, “The fucking muscles, girl.”
Okay, I laughed, but it made my chest pulse once more, so I soon stopped. I was grateful for a friend inside of this world, and I knew she was just trying to take my mind off things, but I wanted to know what happened to me. My memory was still fuzzy.
“Jozef hasn't told you anything? Nothing at all?” I pressed.
She shook her head. “Babe, of course, I'd tell you if he had.”
Behind the chair where Marnie sat, and where Jax had been hours before, the sun had set, and in its place was a full moon and clear sky. The urge to go outside and stretch my legs was potent. God only knew how long I'd be stuck in that room for, Vladimir hadn't even visited me, nor had I heard or seen Marco, which, I suppose, were the only pros to being kept in the infirmary.
“Our dresses for the auction have arrived.” Marnie cut through my thoughts.
I scoffed. “Great. How wonderful.”
“We'll do what we always do, okay? I'll take the busier tables and just holler if you need me.”
My entire body ran cold as I thought of the six girls locked below ground, alone and naked, chained and 'conditioned.' What a cruel world we lived in and yet my best friend was excited because she got to wear a pretty dress. I think it was Marie's way of coping with our world - to pretend things were normal, I, however, could not do that.
Each time a truckload of new girls came through the doors, crying, screaming, begging for their lives, I felt each sob as though it came from my own body. I'd try to make myself scare during such occasions, but being the Queen to a Kingpin meant sometimes my presence was needed. Or Vladimir wanted to torture me some more, knowing how much it affected me.
Queen. What a ridiculous title. He only used it in the presence of other sick perverts. Usually, I was a 'whore.'
“Earth to Ella?” Marnie pressed a hand against my forehead.
Swatting her hand away, I tried to smile. “I'm fine; just sick of being stuck in this room.”
She held up her palms. “Afraid Vladimir said you're to stay here longer. I'd whisk you outside if I could, babe.”
There was a gentle knock at the door, and then it opened.
My breath got stuck in my chest as Jax, dressed in his own clothes, walked into the room.
“Not interrupting, am I?” He asked, his eyes red. Something was wrong. I didn't need to know the man that well to be able to see that.
Marnie got up and kissed my forehead. “Feel better soon, babe. I'll leave you two to it.”
Nodding towards Marnie as she left the room, he then closed the door with a soft click, pulled the chair closer to my bed, and held his head in his hands. I felt awkward, with no idea what to say, and so I said nothing.
“One of my best friends was murdered.” He said, deadpan, not looking up.
My heart fell into my stomach. “Oh, gosh, Jax, I'm so sorry.”
He looked up and gave me a sad smile. “You called me Jax.”
I gulped, looking and feeling guilty.
“I like the way you say my name.” He looked down into his lap, sitting back, long legs stretched out, one knee jumping up and down.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Have you just found out?”
He shook his head. “Nah, she died just before I came here and...” His sentence trailed off, his mind warring as to whether he should carry on. “She was pregnant. With my best buddy's kid.”
A tear fell from my eye, I may not have lost my daughter in the same way, but I recognized the
grief. The all-consuming grief that pressed down on my shoulders each day, growing heavier as another twenty-four hours went by.
“Has something else happened?” I asked, as if he needed another reason to be upset, there was a part of me that instinctively knew he had more to say.
“I.. Erm..” He sniffed and rubbed one hand along his jaw. “My father and I spoke earlier. He'd received some photos.” He paused, taking a gulping breath and then blowing out. “Turns out she was having an affair with...”
I sat up, showing him I was listening and that he could speak to me. I'd never been needed before, not really, and I'm ashamed to admit that feeling was nice, although I do wish it had been for something.
“With who?” I prompted, my voice low and soft.
He growled and stood, turning his back to me to press a forearm against the window. “Vladimir.”
My whole world turned and flipped. My stomach churned, threatening to bring up the chicken soup I'd eaten earlier, and I stopped breathing.
I didn't care that he slept with other women. I knew this; it was the whole situation that had my mouth agape and heart racing.
My gut screamed at me, telling me to prepare for a storm, but Jax hadn't finished with his announcements.
“There's something else, something I need your help with, Ella” He came to me, his dark, brooding eyes pleading with me. “But you must promise me not to say a damn word, okay?”
I nodded, unable to speak.
From inside his jacket pocket, he pulled out a small photograph, and he kept it pressed between his palms and sighed.
“My father had pictures sent to him, pictures of Amy and Vlad together, but along with those came another. I have no-one else to ask but you, Ella, and I'm so fucking sorry, but if you can help, I'd fucking appreciate that.”
I choked back a sob and nodded.
He handed me a black and white photo, I studied it, a small child, a girl if her hair was anything to go back, sat in a room that, despite the blurriness, I recognized straight away. A place I had once spent countless days and week inside. A room in which I knew every crack of the wall, every scuff on the concrete. But who was this child?
“I'm sorry,” I said. “I don't know who she is, but I can tell you where this was taken.”
“You can?” His eyes opened wide for the first time.
“Vladimir's cell. Not the ones he uses for the girls but the one he used for me years ago. I'd recognize it anywhere.”
Jax's handsome faced paled. “Shit.” He took the photograph from me and flipped it over. Showing me the name "Sarka" written on the back, but still, I had no clue who she was.
Reading my expression, he placed it back into his pocket and took both my hands in his. His touch was like lava, a burning that ignited my ever-growing blossom for this stranger. Fingers gripped mine, and I could not tear my eyes from him.
“Where's his cell? Would I be able to get there?”
I looked down at our hands. Red hair tumbled around my shoulders, my curls in need of a wash. “I'm sorry, I don't know. I was always blindfolded when taken there and brought home.” The memories flashed before me, and I couldn't hold the tears anymore. “All I know was that it was quite a drive away from here.”
Jax's thumb rubbed against mine, and I watched the veins move just above his knuckles. He had the most beautiful hands I'd ever seen. Strong and big. My belly fluttered, and my mind whirled.
What was Vladimir doing to children? The girls he sold were usually between fourteen and sixteen; I'd never once seen or heard of a child so young.
And then he hit me; it smacked straight into me like a tidal wave, and a sob burst from my lips.
“Oh no,” I cried, voice trembling.
Jax released my hands and cupped my face. “What, Ella?”
It couldn't be. Could it?
“Two years ago,” I was interrupted by another sob, “I gave birth, a daughter, Vladimir snatched her, and I never saw her again. He'd wanted a son. What if...?” I couldn't say it out loud. I could not say the words and put them out into the air and make them real. Was this photo of my darling girl? Or some other mother's poor child? Tears streamed down my face, and Jax held me against his chest, his heart pounding on to my ear.
We sat like that for ages, him just holding me, stroking my hair, letting me cry, and then he spoke. Words I never thought I'd hear.
“Ella, I'm going to fucking kill him. I swear to you, I'll burn this mother fuckin' place to the ground, and then I'll take you, and I will find your daughter.” He kissed my head. “I fuckin' promise.”
Chapter Fifteen
It had been a few days since Ella had been allowed to roam free once more, and tomorrow night was the damn fucking auction. I hadn't been able to concentrate on much, my mind going other how the hell I could help Ella and my buddy. I'd briefly spoken to him last night, the first time since I arrived, his hurt was palpable down the line.
I wanted to see Amy's body. Fuck the rules, fuck this fucking place. But I knew I still had to win Vlad round a little more, he was warming to me well despite my lack of concentration, and I needed to keep this up.
My father had summoned our men for a meeting, guys from all over the state who specialized in all kinds of things, logistics, ex-cops, ex-military, you named it, he had it, to try and locate Vlad's cell. The fucking cell where he'd held Ella and, potentially, was holding their daughter.
The guys and I were in the library. We'd been listening to Vladimir rattle on for the best part of forty minutes, and yet, it seemed he hadn't said much. His right-hand man stood beside him like a loyal dog, a sneer fixed under his mustache. He was a mean-looking fella, scrawny like a bean pole, and scars marred his ugly face, deep pockets where acne had once sat. The look of him made me feel sick.
The door opened; all heads turned to see the interruption. And my god, was it the best kind of interruption.
Ella's wounds were, of course, still healing, but Marnie, her slightly irritating friend, had tried her best to hide them. As much as I loved seeing Ella with smokey eyes, I wanted to wipe the stuff off her face and see the beauty beneath. She didn't need that shit; I'd noticed this small cluster of freckles at the corner of one eye, and fuck, if it weren't the cutest damn thing I'd ever seen.
The girls got to work, walking passed us, and prepping the stage for tomorrow night. They weren't doing the heavy stuff, no, just clearing away tables and the such. I couldn't take my damn eyes off her.
“Jax, anything to add?” Vladimir asked, snapping my attention back towards him.
Shit. I hadn't been fucking listening. “Er, no, sir.”
“So, you understand what's expected of you tomorrow night? Outside patrols during such an event is a huge responsibility; there is no room for error. You keep my wife and I safe first, the guests come second, the girls come third.” He said, mopping his sweaty brow with a gray handkerchief.
He got to his feet.”"Well, if that's all gentlemen-”
“Sir, there's something I'd like to ask.” I interrupted, causing the men to freeze in their half-standing positions.
“And what is that?” He smirked, curious.
I cleared my throat. “I was just wondering whether I could see Amy' s body, sir, she was a friend, a best friend, I'd like a chance to say goodbye if I can’t attend the funeral.”
Vladimir considered this and took his seat once more. Clicking his fingers, Ella came scampering over and poured him a drink. She didn't look at me once before hurrying away.
“What makes you think you wouldn't be attending her funeral, my boy? What kind of man would I be if I didn't allow another the chance to pay his respects?”
My lips pulled into a thin line. “With all due respect, sir, I'd like to see her all the same.” I shrugged.
Vladimir's two index fingers pressed together against his chin, Jozef leaned into his ear and whispered something, his voice far too low for me to hear across the table.
He reg
arded me once more, opening and closing his mouth several times before speaking. “Jaxon, you do remember she was mutilated? I'm afraid of what it will do to you if you see her like that again.”
Bullshit, I thought. “I'm a big boy, sir.” I wasn't fucking backing down.
Sighing, he stood. “Back to work, everyone. We've got a lot to do before tomorrow.”
The room began to empty, and I sat there, dumbfounded and raging.
“Sir!" I called as he reached the door. He didn't even respect me enough to turn to face me. “Please, let me see my friend.”
Even Ella and Marnie had stilled, I could see the pair of them in my peripheral, hands gripping a side of a table each just before the stage.
Vladimir placed his hand on the doorknob. “I'll see what can be arranged.” and with that, he left the room.
“Fuck me, Murdoch,” came Marnie's voice once the men had left. “You've got balls, hon; I'll give you that.” I looked over to where they stood and watched Marnie nudge Ella's arm. “Ain't he got big balls, babe?”
Ella turned crimson and distracted herself with moving chairs instead. I'd have laughed, but I was raging.
“I ain't fuckin' scared of him,” I snarled, taking a seat once more and knocking back the drink that had been sitting there.
Marnie clicked her tongue and sauntered over, joining me at the table. She was cute, in the girl-next-door kind of way, not a patch on Ella though. In a way, she reminded me of Amy, the same smart-ass attitude that's for sure. “You should be, hon, he's got your life in his hands. And your family's for that matter. He always will.”
I laughed at that. “That's the thing with the Chrobak's - always underestimating us, sweetheart.”
Marnie raised an eyebrow and grinned at me, and I gazed behind her towards Ella. Fuck. Even the way she moved was stunning. Graceful. Always barefoot, I'd noticed.
“That sounds like a threat, Murdoch, you wouldn't do something so stupid, would you?” Her tongue poked out between her teeth, but I ignored her, getting to my feet and walking over to Ella, I needed to hear her voice, not Marnie's.